Engineer-Researcher at CEA-LIST since 2010. He holds an engineering degree in electronics and signal processing of PHELMA (formerly ENSERG), Grenoble Institute of Technology, as well as a master’s degree in cognitive science, University of Grenoble, both obtained in 2006. He then obtained a doctorate from the university of Grenoble in 2009, for his thesis on signal processing methods for Brain Computer Interfaces. CEA expert since 2014, Cédric Gouy-Pailler develops innovative processing methods for signal processing and machine learning. His research interests focus on signal representations, streaming algorithms and differential privacy. He is particularly interested in putting advanced methods into practice in the fields of energy, advanced manufacturing, biomedical engineering and sensors networks.
PhD in Signal Processing, 2009
Grenoble University
Eng. Dipl. in Electrical Engineering, 2006
Grenoble Institute of Technology
Msc in Cognitive Sciences, 2006
Grenoble University
Graph Neural Networks, Adversarial attacks, Graph classification, Robustness, Randomized algorithms, Functional encryption
Contribute to the streamOps project (funded by DataIA) to work on a modular and efficient streaming platform, designed with cutting-edge machine algorithms in mind!
Towards randomized algorithms for preserving robustness of graph classification networks against adversarial attacks
Plateforme Open Source pour la Recherche et l’Intégration d’Algorithmes pour l’Analyse de Flux de Séries Temporelles Massives
Multi partners IRT SystemX project on smart cities.
Rafaël Pinot’s PhD thesis.
Anne Morvan’s PhD thesis.
2018-2019 course at Telecom SudParis (3rd year eng.).